#aries tarot
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astrologiaxo · 11 months ago
✨🌕 What Do You Need To Know About Your Relationships For This Eclipse Season?! - ALL SIGNS 🌕✨
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carinasibila · 7 months ago
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♈ ARIES ♈ Something You’ve Neglected in Your Life
Disclaimer Only take what resonates and leave the rest behind. I am only posting this reading on profiles I’ve listed on my Linktree (linktr.ee/carinasibila) – all other profiles that might post it are fake. Deck used: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot III of Cups, VI of Wands, II of Wands The cards indicate that recently you’ve grown too comfortable in regards to your social life and neglected to engage (much) with new people or try out new activities, causing an underlying feeling of disappointment and a lack of confidence. Reclaiming your sense for adventure/spirit of discovery – without losing appreciation for the joy of the familiar – will increase your happiness and self-esteem.
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taarene · 4 months ago
Aries: Taroscope for Four Life Areas
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ARIES - Tarot Reading for Four Life Areas
If this reading resonates with you and you'd like to book a personal reading, feel free to PM me :)
This is for Aries in Sun, Moon, Rising or Venus.
The energy you're currently in: 10 of Swords
In this context, card expresses a sense of emotional burden. Here's a quote from the Midnight Magic Tarot book: "The Ten of Swords announces that what seems like a chaotic experience might only be a natural transitional event (...) Appreciate the lessons you've learned from this hard time instead of focusing on the crisis itself."
1. Mental Sphere, Stress and Tensions: Strength + 7 of Cups + Reversed Ingwaz and Wyrd The 10 of Swords talks about this heavy burden, while the 7 of Cups indicates that you've made peace with letting go of what’s old and no longer serves you. Now, you have access to what you need for inner transformation (Strength). However, Ingwaz emphasizes the need for renewal and regeneration. Along with Strength, it highlights where you should start: within yourself. Wyrd is a rune calling you to trust fate and a Higher Power, which is reinforced by the Tower card appearing later in your spread. Trust that what is leaving your life now is doing so for your benefit. I've always seen Wyrd as a powerful rune connected to destiny, and the Tower represents divine intervention.
2. Love and Partnership: Magician + 3 of Pentacles + 10 of Wands + Page of Swords + 7 of Pentacles The first two cards indicate that your relationship is your driving force during this tough time. However, 10 of Wands and Page of Swords, as advice, say: be honest with this person about how much weight you're carrying right now. You will have the opportunity to see if your relationship is built on solid foundations. If it is, then joy awaits you, as shown by the 7 of Pentacles as the outcome.
3. Arguments and Conflicts: Reversed Wheel of Fortune + Hanged Man + Tower + 4 of Swords + King of Cups It seems like you’re in a state of waiting for some catastrophe, although this mindset is mostly due to your exhaustion. The Tower, as advice, asks you to accept that what hinders you must go. The 4 of Swords, as the outcome, promises peace, renewal of mental energy, calm, and relaxation. However, for now, you need silence and distance. The King of Cups suggests that this may relate to your relationship with your father.
4. Work and Finances: Reversed High Priestess + Reversed Page of Pentacles + Ace of Pentacles + 9 of Cups + The Emperor The High Priestess here could point to your fear of a despotic boss. Additionally, this person may not see your true potential or what you have to offer (indicated by the next two cards). The advice is the 9 of Cups, which tells you that your place is somewhere where you will be appreciated and where you’ll find joy in your professional relationships. There, professional growth, high earnings, and the realization of your true potential await you because The Emperor represents YOU, Aries (a card associated with your zodiac sign):
"The fly agaric is an iconic mushroom, usually the very image we conjure up when we think of a mushroom. They grow large and strong, and aren't afraid to flaunt their bright oranges, yellows, and reds (colors that broadcast their toxic effects to any creature who dare eat it). Like The Emperor card, the fly agaric has earned respect and can teach you a lot about control and leadership."
Decks used: Midnight Magic Tarot and Runes of Nature’s Power.
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venusianscorp · 6 months ago
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mastertarotreaderblog · 7 months ago
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astroworldsite · 8 months ago
Aries July 2024 Horoscope Monthly Predictions.
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Welcome, Aries! As we step into July 2024, this is your full guide to the Aries July 2024 Horoscope. As an Aries, you’re known for having a lot of energy, being brave, loving life, leadership qualities, and unwavering determination, you are always ready to face any challenge head-on. This month promises to be a transformative period, filled with opportunities for growth, love, and self-discovery.
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marisa-hechizosytarot · 11 months ago
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Horóscopo Aries Solar, Lunar, y Ascendente
Pronostico mes de Abril 2024
#Aries #horoscopo #hechizosytarotdemedianoche #horoscopodeldinero #tarodinero
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figandthewasp · 1 year ago
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therealteatarot · 1 year ago
ARIES ♈️- OMG FINALLY!! You won't believe how your life will turn around...
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sxorpiomooon · 8 months ago
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all-tarots70 · 1 year ago
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astrologiaxo · 10 months ago
✨🌸 Monthly Predictions for May 2024 - ALL SIGNS 🌸✨
Watch the replay 💫 💫 💫
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cazshmere · 4 months ago
12th House Sign in the Natal Chart and How you can Heal and Find Closure from Past Wounds 🩵
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DISCLAIMER : healing is a journey, not a destination, and everyone moves at their own pace. these tips are here to give you a nudge, not to create pressure or perfection. if you’re reading this and some things resonate, that’s wonderful :) take what feels right and leave the rest. and remember, there’s no one right way to heal or find closure. it’s okay to stumble, feel lost, or take a break. trust that every small step forward, even the tiniest ones, are part of the process. be kind to yourself along the way; you’re doing the best you can 🩵
🧩 aries in the 12th house
1. you’re bold in action, but sometimes hesitant in introspection. reflect on fears you might avoid and tackle them directly, like you would any challenge.
2. pent-up frustrations weigh on your subconscious. try activities like boxing, painting, or writing letters you’ll never send.
3. give yourself time alone without needing constant action. Silence and stillness help you get in touch with buried emotions.
4. reflect on times you acted quickly and accept that growth often means making mistakes.
5. indulge in something silly, like playing a game or watching cartoons. It helps you reconnect with yourself. watching your comfort movie with your favourite snacks will surely help
HEALING TIP : try journaling with a twist : write letters to yourself from different ages, like your 5-year-old self or your future self, to see your emotions from new perspectives. this could be super cathartic for you and help you move through the hard feelings holding you back also try meditation that is targeted towards inner peace
🧩 taurus in the 12th house
1. learn to release your hold on past pain. Healing for you often means loosening your grip on comfort zones, even in memories.
2. reflect on areas where you’ve felt unappreciated, finding self-worth from within rather than external validation.
3. you resist change, so make small, gradual adjustments to your daily life that invite healing over time.
4. practice acceptance of things you cannot control or predict; even small, symbolic acts like letting go of a token can help.
5. revisit an old hobby that once brought you joy, like gardening, knitting, or cooking. it’ll remind you of your inner peace.
HEALING TIP : try a sensory grounding exercise: touch something soft, listen to calming music, and smell something grounding like lavender to soothe your mind and body. also something that can temporarily help is watching a super scary movie or just eating spicy food, it can help you distract yourself from your thoughts, at least momentarily
🧩 gemini in the 12th house
1. your mind runs fast, but your 12th house challenges you to slow down and acknowledge buried insecurities.
2. release old narratives, whether it’s past gossip, harsh words, or regrets, let go of thoughts that weigh you down. Practice rephrasing past stories with kindness.
3. try creative outlets that let you express emotions without words, like art or dance, to connect with deeper feelings.
4. when you socialize, make time for connections that feel supportive and honest, without intellectual posturing.
5. quieting your inner monologue helps you access the quiet truths below the surface. Breathing exercises can help here.
HEALING TIP : try recording voice memos on your phone when you feel overwhelmed. Sometimes saying things out loud can help you make sense of them faster than writing.
🧩 cancer in the 12th house
1. you tend to tuck away your deepest fears. Make time to reflect on past emotions without judgment or the need to ‘fix’ them.
2. address any unconscious attachment to people or situations that no longer serve you, knowing it’s okay to need change.
3. offer compassion to yourself, revisit times when you felt misunderstood or unsupported, and give your younger self the love they needed.
4. learn to let go without feeling abandoned. Spend time nurturing your sense of self apart from your relationships.
5. forgive old wounds, allow yourself to release grudges or hurts, understanding that they don’t define your future connections.
HEALING TIP : write a letter to someone from your past you’ve never fully moved on from, then release it (you don’t have to send it).
🧩 leo in the 12th house
1. step back from needing validation, explore who you are outside of praise or recognition. spend time with yourself, just being rather than performing.
2. acknowledge areas where you might have felt rejected or unappreciated. practice self-love that doesn’t rely on others’ feedback.
3. try activities where you’re a beginner. learning something new can help you find power in vulnerability.
4. let go of ego-driven fears, focus on what makes you feel genuinely fulfilled, not just admired. reframe your goals around personal joy rather than approval.
5. reclaim your authenticity by exploring what brings you joy outside of an audience, like a private creative hobby that brings you peace.
HEALING TIP : try visualising your inner child, close your eyes and picture yourself as a child full of hope and joy, and send love to that younger version of you.
🧩 virgo in the 12th house
1. acknowledge that some things don’t need fixing. practice letting go without feeling the need to control every detail.
2. practice self-compassion, allow room for mistakes and honor your efforts without focusing solely on flaws. embrace your progress, not perfection.
3. stop overanalyzing (ik it’s hard but your overthinking is what causes majority of your problems, the more you overthink the more power you’re giving to those unwanted thoughts) give your mind permission to take a break. activities like meditative gardening or painting can help soothe the inner critic.
4. connect with your intuition, trust your instincts rather than rationalizing everything. allow yourself to simply “know” without overthinking it.
5. embrace the chaos haha, let things be messy or spontaneous without judgment. Flexibility helps you grow beyond rigid expectations.
HEALING TIP : try writing a list of what you’re grateful for, it's a simple but powerful tool to shift your focus from worries to abundance.
🧩 libra in the 12th house
1. find comfort in solitude, learn to enjoy your own company, separate from others’ opinions or companionship. practice inner peace.
2. let go of past people-pleasing, allow yourself to address buried feelings of resentment that may stem from overextending for others.
3. balance your inner harmony, focus on inner alignment rather than external harmony. Journaling or meditating on your needs helps you center.
4. heal relationship wounds, reflect on past connections that left an impact. release blame, knowing each taught you something valuable.
5. set boundaries with yourself, give yourself permission to say “no” without guilt. embrace your inner balance, free from others’ demands.
HEALING TIP : you can try a heart-centered meditation to connect with self-love and release neediness for outside validation or try a balance-focused yoga routine, it can be both grounding and soothing, helping you connect with your inner equilibrium.
🧩 scorpio in the 12th house
1. embrace your emotional vulnerability, lean into your feelings without fearing loss or control. Sharing emotions helps relieve hidden weight.
2. release grudges (ik this is something hard for you but letting go is better than holding on to the things that cause you problems - forgive but don’t forget perhaps), practice forgiveness as a way of releasing old hurts that drain you.
3. face your darkest worries with courage, knowing they don’t define you. Write them down and let them go.
4. reclaim personal power, you’re literally THAT bitch don’t forget that queen, focus on how you can empower yourself from within, instead of seeking control externally.
5. trust others with your feelings when it feels right; vulnerability can be deeply healing.
HEALING TIP : you can try shadow journaling by exploring both light and dark thoughts to understand yourself more deeply or if you want something fun instead try listening to a mystery podcast or an immersive story app where you can dive into thrilling narratives. this helps you tap into your emotional depth while being entertained, offering healing through mystery and intrigue.
🧩 sagittarius in the 12th house
1. look inward for meaning, sometimes answers lie within, not in new experiences. find fulfillment in self-reflection rather than escapism.
2. explore spiritual grounding, sagittarius craves meaning, so find practices that connect you to a sense of purpose, like guided meditation.
3. release judgment and let go of self-criticism about past “mistakes.” accept that growth is a journey, not a fixed outcome.
4. embrace introspection by giving your adventurous mind permission to slow down and find contentment in stillness.
5. cultivate patience please (so so important) you may be prone to quick fixes; practice patience with yourself and your journey to healing.
HEALING TIP : start a personal travel vlog (even if it's just to document your local adventures) or use digital journaling apps to record your thoughts, dreams, and philosophical insights. It’ll allow you to process your emotions while in a fun way <3
🧩 capricorn in the 12th house
1. release pressure to always be “on”, let go of needing to achieve every moment. It’s okay to just “be” sometimes, without a goal in sight.
2. forgive your past mistakes, address any old guilt you’re holding onto. you’re allowed to grow beyond your old decisions and learn without punishment.
3. embrace vulnerability (very important) being open about your feelings doesn’t weaken you; it strengthens your ability to understand and trust yourself.
4. trust life’s timing, not everything has to be perfectly planned. lean into moments of uncertainty and find peace in simply experiencing.
5. reflect on your worth beyond productivity, spend time exploring who you are outside of what you “do” or “produce.”
HEALING TIP : try weekly self-check-ins to connect with your needs and desires, away from the hustle of daily demands.
🧩 aquarius in the 12th house
1. embrace your quirks and shadows, you have a unique mind, so allow yourself to be different even in your struggles. reflect on hidden fears and accept them.
2. let go of needing to understand everything, release the need to overanalyze or intellectualize every emotion; trust that some things are just felt, not solved.
3. balance independence with connection, don’t isolate yourself too much. healing also comes through genuine human connections.
4. explore spontaneous introspection, give yourself the freedom to meditate or journal in unconventional ways, like painting or singing.
5. lean into self-compassion, you may be hard on yourself for being “too different” or processing wounds and hurts “differently” but learn to embrace that unique perspective as your strength.
HEALING TIP : try creative expression exercises that bring your thoughts to life, like freeform art, dance, editing, posting stuff online (blogs, reels etch) or sound journaling helps too.
🧩 pisces in the 12th house
1. set healthy boundaries with emotions, your empathy can pull you into others’ feelings. spend time differentiating between your own emotions and theirs.
2. give yourself closure without finality, understand that sometimes closure isn’t perfect or neat, and let go of needing every question answered.
3. create a soothing retreat, build a healing environment, like a cozy corner or blanket fort lmao, where you can escape and connect with your inner peace.
4. release victim mentality, move beyond past hardships by reclaiming your personal power and seeing yourself as a survivor, not a sufferer.
5. TRUST. YOUR. INTUITION. you’re naturally in touch with the unseen. lean into that gift by tuning into your feelings without judgment.
HEALING TIP : create a healing playlist filled with calming music, or even soothing ASMR sounds, to help you unwind and feel safe in your own space.
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taarene · 5 months ago
Tarot reading for the weekend 12 and 13 October - Aries, Taurus, Gemini
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Feel free to send me a private message if you’d like to book a personal reading!
ARIES - Odala - Queen of Wands + Reversed Page of Wands + Reversed Page of Swords + Judgement + Reversed Knight of Pentacles + Justice + Sun + Reversed Ace of Wands + Reversed 6 of Cups This is a reading specifically for Aries dealing with legal or family matters. Odala is the rune connected to family, memory, and inheritance. You may be reflecting on family or legal issues. The Queen indicates that the situation is changing dynamically and presents a challenge for you. The Pages suggest arrogance and dishonesty within the family. Justice and Judgement point to legal proceedings related to family matters. The advice here is the Sun—aim for reconciliation, as someone is being very stubborn. The reversed Knight of Pentacles shows that someone is slowing down your actions and the resolution of this issue. The reversed Ace of Wands implies that you may not realize it yet, but reconciliation is necessary, as the person involved is very stubborn. What can you gain? The reversed 6 of Cups suggests that you might be able to cut ties with a toxic family situation. Good luck
TAURUS - Jeran - 3 of Pentacles + 8 of Swords + 7 of Pentacles + 5 of Cups + Fool + Reversed 4 of Swords + 10 of Cups Jeran is the rune of harvesting the fruits of your hard work. Someone truly appreciates your efforts in the relationship (3 of Pentacles), but you’re not seeing it, and you don’t feel appreciated. Sometimes the 5 of Cups indicates pessimism, and that’s the case here. The reversed 4 of Swords shows that there’s an unpleasant atmosphere or circumstances surrounding the relationship, which may be the reason for how you feel. The Fool tells you to keep moving forward; you can achieve anything you desire in this relationship. The 10 of Cups points to the future: this love will overcome everything and survive! Have more faith.
GEMINI - Barkanan (reversed) - Strength + Death + Star + Reversed Devil + Reversed Page of Pentacles + 10 of Wands You will overcome some important obstacles this weekend, and what you’ll need is perseverance, willpower, and mastering your fears and anxieties. Strength speaks of finding your inner strength. Death indicates that something will end and change its form. You are discovering, or have already discovered, a powerful force within you that allows you to face very difficult situations; it also hints at a new relationship, linked to leaving behind old ties. You may experience some form of loss as a price. The Star: you have real hope for success, even if it seems unlikely for you; cosmic protection and the promise of relief. The Devil as advice: free yourself from pain and fear, regain control over your life. The hardest limitations to break are those we impose on ourselves. The reversed Page of Pentacles suggests your future is uncertain for now, but if you follow the advice, you will finish a difficult task and succeed (10 of Wands + 6 of Wands).
Decks I used: runy potęgi przyrody and Circe Tarot
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venusianscorp · 7 months ago
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astroworldsite · 10 months ago
Aries May 2024 Horoscope Prediction For Personal Growth
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Aries May 2024 horoscope: The month of May will go through many ups and downs for Aries. At this time, even if you get good results in your career, various health problems may surround you. Find out in detail how the month of Aries will be spent through the monthly horoscope.
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